was down in Southern California this weekend visiting relatives. With
travel and new places and new people I was really noticing my asperger’s
syndrome a lot. At home my coping mechanisms are so routine and so
practiced I don’t really have to think about them. But traveling I was
very aware of all the things I was struggling with. One thing I noticed
was how poor my physical coordination was under these circumstances. I
literally did worse in a game of catch then a 4 year old. I think the
base problem is a vision one. But not of perceiving is there at any one
time. If I have my glasses on then, as long as something stays still
and I focus on it for a second, I can see it fine. Of course most
people can see things better when they look at them paused. But I seem
to have a harder time using short cuts to get usable information out of a
generalized glance or a moving object.

I look at an array of objects, say things on a desk, I’ll look at each
object individually, a box, a pen, post-its. But until I’ve looked at
everything and have it all absorbed, I can give a generalized statement
like there is no pencil. To do that I’ll have to look at each object and
identify it enough to know it is not a pencil. If I know specifically
what I’m looking, say a long yellow no. 2 school pencil, for I’ll be
able to eliminate some things quickly, wrong color, wrong general shape.
But if I could be looking for any pencil from slick mechanical to a
worn down stub I’ll have to pretty much identify every object on the
table in order to eliminate the possibility of a pencil. If someone
moves one of the objects on a desk I feel like I have to re-identify not
only the object that moved but also every other object on the desk,
especially those around either it’s new or old position, before I once
again feel like I’ve seen the desk. (This means I have a strong
disinclination to move things around more than necessary.)
objects are even worse. If I let myself truly mindfully look at them, I
start the identification process but then objected has moved and I
click over and start the identification process from the beginning, over
and over again without every really absorbing the object I’m focused
on. The background gives the impression of flipping between a zoom lens
coming towards focus and away from focus without even having a stop on
in focus. The whole thing is very nausea making.
of the time, especially in places I’m habituated to, I can manage to
withdraw just enough attention that the identification process never
fully engages and I can get my mind to accept using what I saw last
second to take the place of fully absorbing what I see this second. This
works best when the motion is slow or relatively far away so that less
of my visual field is involved in the motion. Things that make it harder
include watching something coming close to touching something else, as
that makes the motion more attention grabbing, and also watching my own
body move as that too tends to focus too much attention of the movement.
I have a habit of putting something down on the counter by looking at
the counter while I begin the motion and then looking away set-down.
This cuts down on the queasy making visuals but can also lead to
occasional spills.
course flinching my eyes closed at the sight of my hand reaching for a
flying ball was pretty disastrous. Luckily the kids didn’t seem to mind
that my only ‘adult’ like contribution to the games was things like
saying that in a room with breakable object the ball should only rolled,
not thrown. Even though I’ve come so far, all through the trip I was
very aware of how my capabilities were more like the kids then like the