Thursday, January 16, 2020

Sympathy for Socialists

Suppose you learned these wonderful laws of physics and they seemed so elegant and right. And you didn’t really understand how these simplified forms only applied to frictionless, air-resistanceless situations and to things like ideal gasses.

Then you looked around the real world and you notice that things harder to move than they should be. You aren’t able to get as much of what you want for a given energy expenditure as you expect.  You check with a physicist and hear that some of the energy is going to Waste-heat-ists.

You ask ‘Waste-heat-ists?  What are they good for?’

‘Oh nothing, they just add to the disorder of the universe.’

‘Why are we giving them energy?’

‘Oh we discover we could use this thing called the second law of thermodynamics and now that we are using a system of Waste-heat-isum; things are going just marvelously’

You think to yourself, well maybe for they are going marvelously for Waste-heat-ists, but what about ordinary people like you? You are putting energy into all these things and a bunch of it is being stolen by these Waste-heat-ists.

You ask engineer friends if Waste-heat is really a good thing. ‘Oh, no,’ they say, ‘We’re always trying to reduce it. But we can’t ever get rid of it entirely; it’s this second law thing we can’t get around.’
Mcleo001 at English Wikipedia [Public domain]

These evil Waste-heat-ists and their evil cronies have enacted this pernicious ‘second law’. Feel the indignation rise up in you. Waste-heat-isum is a leach on society, taking from good, hard-working people and producing nothing but chaos.

Can’t you see how wrong this would seem? If this was the level of your understanding of waste-heat, wouldn’t you see if from this perspective? Think how much more energy there would be to go around if we didn’t have waste-heat taking some away.  We could have abundance if Waste-heat-isum wasn’t producing artificial scarcity. Obviously we should free ourselves from our shackles and over throw the Waste-heat-ist system.