a sitcom, Girl: “Do you really love me?” Boy: “Of course I do.”Girl:
“Name one thing that you love about me.” Boy, standing there with this
mouth open: “uh...uh”. We know he has been found out and doesn’t love
her. So let’s give him another chance: Girl: “Name one thing that you
love about me.” Boy: “You’re inteligence, I always wanted date an honor
student.” Girl, bursting into tears: “I was lying about having to stay
late for honor society meetings, I just had detention.” It seems he
might not really love her here either.

A month or so ago I was challenged by a friend to to tell him where in the Bible it tells us that Jesus loves him. And I had to pause and think about it for a minute. The first thing that popped into my mind was “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love.” (This was not actually an accurate quote - I was thinking John 15 but it is John 14:21 that says something like this.) But I knew that wouldn’t satisfy my friend, he wanted an assurance of unconditional love. I can think of passages where Jesus tells us to love even our enemies, and offered himself as an example of what he means, dying of us while we were yet opposed to him and offering forgiveness to everyone who repents.
But the modern demand for unconditional love goes beyond this. It expects that no forgiveness or repentance should be necessary. We want to be told not only that we can come as we are but that we can stay as we are, We don’t want our decisions wiped away, we want them affirmed. Of course if no forgiveness is needed what is the point of Christ’s sacrifice, if our choice can rightly be affirmed as is then there is nothing special about God affirming them. We are deluded into thinking that would be the greatest love when it would be nothing but indifference. We need make sure chasing a false image of an “unconditional” love doesn’t take us away from accepting a greater love that is conditional on our willingness for Him to perfect us.
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